ArionAtArt General License Extended

Licence Agreement – Extended

This License grants you, the purchaser, an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to make use of the digital work (Item) you have selected. Read the rest of this license for the details that apply to your use of the Item, as well as the FAQs (which form part of this license).

1) You are licensed to use the Item to create one single End Product for yourself or for one client (a “single application”), and the End Product can be sold.
2) An End Product is one of the following things, both requiring an application of skill and effort.
(a) End Product is a customized implementation of the Item.
For example: the item is a website theme and the end product is the final website customized with your content.
(b) An End Product is a work that incorporates the Item as well as other things, so that it is larger in scope and different in nature than the Item.
For example: the item is a button graphic and the end product is a website. See the FAQs for examples and information about End Products and the single application requirement.


3) You can create one End Product for a client, and you can transfer that single End Product to your client for any fee. This license is then transferred to your client.
4) You can sell and make any number of copies of the single End Product.
5) You can modify or manipulate the Item. You can combine the Item with other works and make a derivative work from it. The resulting works are subject to the terms of this license. You can do these things as long as the End Product you then create is one that’s permitted under clause 2.

Not Allowed

6) This license is a “single application” license and not a “multi-use” license, which means that you can’t use the Item to create more than one unique End Product.
Note : The item is sold under ‘single application license’ to reduce its cost for the you the user. You must buy the item again to use it for another project. Keep your Karma Clean.
7) You can’t Sell the End Product, except to one client.
8) You can’t re-distribute the Item as stock, in a tool or template, or with source files. You can’t do this with an Item either on its own or bundled with other items, and even if you modify the Item. You can’t re-distribute or make available the Item as-is or with superficial modifications.
9) Although you can modify the Item and therefore delete unwanted components before creating your single End Product, you can’t extract and use a single component of an Item on a stand-alone basis.
For example: You license a website theme containing icons. You can delete unwanted icons from the theme. But you can’t extract an icon to use outside of the theme.
10) You must not permit an end user of the End Product to extract the Item and use it separately from the End Product.
11) You can’t use an Item in a logo, trademark, or service mark.
This license can be terminated if you breach it. If that happens, you must stop making copies of or distributing the End Product until you remove the Item from it.

ArionAtArt retains ownership of the Item but grants you the license on these terms.

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