Catch e and learn a word
Mnemonic Video
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Mnemonic Dictionary
Mnemonic – catch e from its hiding place
Word – Cache
Meaning – hiding place
Part of Speech – noun
Synonyms – stash, hideout
Antonyms – in the open, revealed, lay bare
Cache sentences
1 The police dog helped the police seize a cache of cocaine from the Chicago airport.
2 The cache memory of your computer stores temporary files in use and helps the machine perform better.
3 Russia has recently discovered a cache of diamonds under the Popigai crater that could supply global markets for another 3,000 years.
4 Temporary Internet files are a cache of Web page content that’s stored on your hard disk.
5 The informer revealed the cache of the terrorists to the police.
Cached Sentences
1 The income tax department recovered cached money in places like mattresses and showpieces when they raided the politician’s house.
2 Muller had cached a few Jewish children in his basement and feared for their safety.
Know about The CPU Cache
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