A word strangely different from others
Mnemonic Video
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Mnemonic Dictionary
Mnemonic – e strangely different and hence separated and alienated
Word – estranged
a) separated and alienated
b) no longer close to (a person, family)
c) no longer living with (esp. spouse)
Part of Speech – adjective
Synonyms – drive apart, break up, split
Antonyms – unite, marry, engage
Estranged sentences
1 When he met his estranged family after 20 years they could not recognize him.
2 After the tsunami she traveled across the planet to Japan to search for her estranged father.
3 He has a daughter from his estranged wife.
Estrange sentences
1 She cancelled her plan to elope because she did not want to estrange herself from her parents.
2 It is not a good idea to completely estrange a child from either parent after the divorce.
Estrangement sentence
1 His alcoholism was the reason behind his estrangement from his wife.