A fetish for the word fetish
Mnemonic Video
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Mnemonic Dictionary
Mnemonic – Feet wish to be objects of excessive attention of shoes
Word – Fetish
Meaning – object of excessive attention or reverence
Part of Speech – noun
Synonyms – fixation, penchant, mania, desire
Fetish sentences
1 After going through his collection of over a hundred hats it was safe to assume that he had a hat fetish.
2 He was embarrassed to discuss his foot fetish with his girlfriend but she obviously had a fair idea.
3 Isn’t it a bias that when a man has the same number of shoes as a woman, people say that he has a fetish for shoes.
4 Fetish clothes like satin corsets, leather skinny jeans, leather skirts and silk stockings are popular in the cinematic portrayal of a sexy woman.
Fetishistic sentence
1 Fetishistic transvestites are people who are aroused by wearing the clothes of the opposite sex.