A fantastic car with a word in it.
Mnemonic Video
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Mnemonic Dictionary
Mnemonic – Fiat 500 car software responds to a formal command or order by its owner.
Word – Fiat
Meaning – a formal command or order
Part of Speech – noun
Synonyms – proclamation, decree, sanction, ordinance, warrant
Antonyms – request, appeal, plea
Fiat sentences
1 Was the universe created in a cosmic blast or by the divine fiat on the Almighty? (used in a question)
2 Hitler issued a fiat ordering the mass killings of the Jewish population.(describing history)
3 Economic progress in developing countries suffers from bureaucratic fiat which discourages business growth. (used in an economic sense)
4 The Attorney General had the power to issue a fiat and take over any prosecution where sensitive information is involved. (used in a legal sense)
5 The court’s fiat to resume all medical services within 24 hours have left the on strike doctors angry and agitated.