Hegemony Mnemonic Video | Hegemony Sentence Examples



No huge money required to dominate this one.


Mnemonic Video

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Mnemonic Dictionary


Mnemonic – huge money is the reason for the dominance of one nation over others


Word – Hegemony


Meaning – dominance especially of one nation over others


Part of Speech – noun


Synonyms – power, control, authority


Hegemony sentences

1   The rise of China has limited American hegemony over the past few years.

2   Many believed that the Euro would challenge the Dollar hegemony but the results are far from encouraging.

3   The British hegemony as a colonial power ended after the second world war.

4   In the film ‘Tomorrow never dies’ Bond battles against the hegemony of an international media mogul.

5   Economic success and the power of the western media are the primary reasons for the hegemony of western culture.


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