Verbose Mnemonic Dictionary Video | 5+ Verbose Sentences



Learn more to get verbose


Mnemonic Video

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Mnemonic Dictionary


Mnemonic – I hate verbal dose of our wordy boss.


Word – Verbose



a) wordy

b) characterized by using too many words


Part of Speech – adjective


Synonyms – garrulous, loquacious, talkative, full of air


Antonyms – concise, to the point, succinct, brief


Verbose sentences

1   We can assign you the small midsection of the newspaper so remember not to be verbose and do the job within the word limit.

2   His friends would call him verbose but in female company he was as quiet as the wind.

3   When i asked you to write a synopsis, why would you give me a verbose description?

4   Just don’t be too verbose in your speech or no one will care to listen to you the next time.

5   The editors were impressed with his novel but found it verbose for the younger audience.

6   In short the verbose religious lecture meant that we must help others.


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