What is Clinomania or Dysania? How is it related to depression?

What is Clinomania?

Clin is the Latin root for bed and mania as you all know means madness. So clinomania is desire to stay in bed to the point where you might term it as madness. Dysania is a synonym of clinomania and the words are used interchangeably.

Just like a workaholic or ergomaniac is obsessed with work, a dysaniac is obsessed with sleep. He hates and sometimes fears getting out of bed. He may sleep all day and still feel drowsy. While to live healthy you are recommended 7-8 hours of sleep, a clinomaniac far exceeds that limit. People with this condition are termed lazy and often they don’t know that they are suffering from a psychological problem. Like most manias, dysania can be addressed and cured with the help of a psychologist.

Cute Cat Sleeping
Cats are known for their propensity towards clinomania

How is clinomania related to depression?

Now that you know what clinomania is, let’s see how it is related to depression. Clinomania often stems from a lack of motivation or drive to do anything which might happen when one is depressed. Although depression and dysania might be co-related, they are mutually exclusive in the sense that a person can suffer from both at the same time. Studies show that sufferers of clinomania are not always depressed but a person who is depressed often suffers from clinomania too.

7 thoughts on “What is Clinomania or Dysania? How is it related to depression?”

  1. Mandy: I have the same problem as Alexis. I can sleep for 12 hours and then go back to bed and sleep another 8 hours or more. When I was younger, I held down a full time job but I was always tired. I was more motivated to get up because I had a family to help support but I was also dealing with depression as well.


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