Warranted Mnemonic Dictionary Video | 5+ Warranted Sentences



Learning this word is warranted.


Mnemonic Video

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Mnemonic Dictionary


Mnemonicwarrant against Ted is justified


Word – warranted


Meaning – justified, authorized


Part of Speech – adjective


Synonyms – certified, allowed, sanctioned 


Antonyms – unjustified, unsanctioned


Warranted sentences

1   The employees must be warranted an insurance cover besides other benefits in such a hazardous industry.

2   A stricter law against rape and molestation is warranted to ensure justice.

3   There were doubts over whether such drastic measures of mass firing were warranted at a time when the company was recovering.

4   The finance minister says that inflation and price rise is warranted but does not care to explain why.

5   How can success achieved by manipulation and ill will of the public be termed as warranted?


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