Learn The Map of Europe

Learn the Map of Europe
Learn the Map of Europe

The European Dog will help you learn the map of Europe. The name of this dog is Fin and he is a normal, sweet dog but he has a dangerous tongue. His characteristics might sound contradictory to you but contradiction is good for helping you retain things. There is more to know about Fin but we will leave that for the video. Anyways the point is that all these characteristics will help you memorize various countries of Europe. Like the name of the dog gives you Finland. A normal sweet dog with a dangerous tongue will give you:-

  • Normal – Norway
  • Sweet – Sweden
  • Dangerous tongue – Denmark.

Denmark is of course located at Fin’s tongue. So you get the idea right? Various body parts of Fin like his tongue, paws etc. will help you remember the various countries of Europe.

There are a lot of small countries in Europe but don’t worry we have made easy mnemonics to help you learn them in order. So get to know Fin well and you will automatically learn the map of Europe.

Learn the Map of Europe through Fin



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